When it comes to automotive service, many people put it off. They either don;t want to spend the money, don’t have the time to get it done, or they just don’t feel like it is necessary. Even though you may believe it is harmless ctoan skip a service here and there, you may have to face some consequences later on. Here are the 3 maintenance items you shouldn’t put off, no matter what.
Oil Change - Oil is one of those things that you hear in and out of the auto repair shop all the time. You might not see it working firsthand, but it is necessary for your engine to run. It keeps all your engine components properly lubricated so that your engine can stay reliable over time. If you want to avoid engine repairs down the road, please do not forget to change it. Your owner’s manual will have everything you need to know about oil changes, including the recommended intervals, oil type, and more.
Tire Pressure - It’s just as easy to neglect your tires as it is for your oil. If they’re round and spinning, they’re doing their job, right? Well, if your tires don’t have the proper amount of air, there could be a lot at stake. If they’re not at the proper psi, you can find yourself replacing your tires sooner than you think. Plus, you can increase the likelihood of being in an accident.
Fluids Check. Car fluids are the lifeblood of your automobile. Besides the obvious engine oil, there are three significant fluids that you should worry about: brake fluid, transmission fluid, and antifreeze/coolant. If any of these are low or leaking, it could lead to catastrophic failures. Running on low brake fluid could make your brake fail completely. Too low of transmission fluid could make your gears seize up. And running on insufficient coolant could cause your engine to overheat.
By responsibly taking care of the your car, you can catch minor problems before they develop into serious ones. Moral of the story is you should not put off your car care, even if it may be tempting to sometimes. If your vehicle needs service soon, please consider taking it to the professionals at Mancinelli’s Auto Repair Center.