Filters provide a valuable service to your vehicle and although a relatively small part, their specific function is important to quality air circulation. Many motorists will change their residential air filters monthly and according to specific HVAC guidelines. In fact, some homeowners spend big bucks in order to maintain better air quality in their homes. Mancinelli’s, a Denver auto repair shop, wants you to provide the same care inside your vehicle.
During a typical workweek many individuals will spend 10-plus hours inside their car, if not more. With the inclusion of weekends, almost an entire day of the week could possibly be spent inside your automobile. When you consider the amount of time spent behind the wheel or as a passenger, the quality of the air being circulated throughout the cabin becomes more important.
The car’s cabin air filter “cleans the air that comes into the interior through the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. It catches dust, pollen and other airborne material that can make riding in a car unpleasant, particularly if you have allergies or other respiratory problems.”
Similar to a home air filter the vehicle owner’s guide should provide estimated mileage points for replacement. Depending on your driving environment, conditions, and amount the timing could be increased or decreased based on use.
Average estimates are between 12,000 and 15,000 miles or every two to three oil changes. Even if clear of debris, often the filter needs to be replaced after considerable use in order to prevent further damage, future repair cost, and provide the optimum air quality into a vehicle’s cabin.
Similar to the cabin air filter, engine units provides the same service in order to protect the vehicle’s cylinders and keep the car running smoothly. After time sand, dirt, bugs, twigs, leaves, and all sorts of debris creep under the hood and work their way around the engine but are prevented from entering important spaces by the air filter. These components build up outside the filter until replacement is necessary.
Most engine air filters should be changed between 15,000 and 30,000 miles for optimal performance. If a vehicle accumulates less mileage, the filter should be checked and likely changed every three years. This prevents deterioration, keeping the filter itself from falling apart and landing inside the engine’s cylinders.
Both filters serve important roles inside an automobile and represent components general motorists do not consider due to being a secondary component to the overall function of the car. Despite a somewhat limited but specific role, all drivers should keep in mind the importance of air quality in both the cabin and vehicle engine during ownership.
The experts at Mancinelli’s Auto Repair Center are MACS certified meaning they have been specifically trained in the operation and repair of automobile AC systems, including cabin and engine air filter replacement. A full review and inspection of your automobile will be completed in a timely manner, keeping the air circulating through your car clean and clear. Leave your vehicle with someone you trust as most services can be administered the same day. Request an appointment online or call today.