One of the more underappreciated systems now readily available on every car, truck, and sport utility vehicle (SUV) is an anti-lock braking system. While the average motorist doesn’t consider the science behind stopping their vehicle regularly, others have put in significant time and effort perfecting a system which allows the driver maneuverability and increased control during any and all stopping patterns.
Anti-lock braking is one such system and since its’ widespread incorporation into the automobile industry during the 1950’s it has been extremely beneficial. While the original concept behind anti-lock brakes originated as early as 1908 by J.E. Francis, a more modern system wasn’t implemented until a half-century later and computerized control systems almost twenty years later than those primitive braking components.
According to Mechanical Engineering, anti-lock braking systems offer the following benefits for vehicles, their drivers and passengers.
- Anti-lock braking system (ABS) guarantees stable braking characteristics on all road surfaces, hence avoids overturning of the vehicle.
- ABS reduces friction on wheels and road, thus increases the efficiency of tires (up to 30%).
- The Vehicle with ABS can be stopped at a lesser distance than a non ABS vehicle.
- Steering control is effective, i.e., the vehicle can be steered smoothly while braking. Thus minimizes the accidents.
- A driver without experience can drive ABS vehicle effectively, then an experienced driver on the non ABS vehicle.
One of the more significant impacts from anti-lock braking systems is allowing inexperienced drivers an advantage when braking is needed while maintaining control of the vehicle. Unlike non-ABS automobiles which will frequently enter uncontrollable slides without steering benefits, the relatively new systems maintain driveability and an avoidance function while braking. These ABS prevent system lock-up when engaged.
The system is a four-part component comprised of the following:
- Wheel Speed Sensors
- Valves
- A Pump
- Controller
Each of these components are utilized to ensure a properly functioning ABS inside the automobile. Monash University Accident Research Centre composed a study in 2004 indicating an 18-percent reduction in multi-vehicle crashes from cars outfitted with these systems.
Both anti-lock braking systems and electronic stability control have been required on all passenger vehicles sold in the United States since 2013. While stopping distances on loose gravel and snow covered roads may be increased, the ability to maintain steering capabilities and control of the vehicle during a skid has proven extremely beneficial.
The experts at Mancinelli’s Auto Repair Center are able to complete a variety of potential services possibly needed on your vehicle, including replacing brakes or checking the functionality of your anti-lock braking system. Their trained professionals will be happy to answer any questions regarding vehicle care or perform service on any model vehicle on the road. ASE certified mechanics are fully trained and certified to work on any car, van, SUV, or truck regardless of the current state. A full review and inspection of your automobile can be completed in a timely manner to keep your vehicle running both effectively and efficiently. Leave your auto with someone you know as most services can be administered the same day. Request an appointment online or call us today.