While global warming remains a hot topic around social circles, the winter weather in Colorado and throughout the Rocky Mountains remains consistently cold. Brutal temperatures along with increasing winds makes for a harsh winter environment for both humans and their automobiles. Whether warmed by the comforts of a garage or subject to the bitter cold in a driveway or carport, vehicles often receive a literal cold shoulder when facing the winter weather of mother nature.
While a garage can assist in protecting your automobile from the elements and a carport or cover can keep a windshield from frosting over, the biggest gain could possibly be cranking your car and idling prior to driving. In an environment where temperatures regularly dip below freezing, allowing an automobile time to warm up and all fluids to cycle through the engine prior to moving the car sounds like a great idea. With automatic start systems the newest of inventions for vehicles, how beneficial is letting a car or truck warm up prior to going about your day?
One of the benefits to warming up your car on a cold day is allowing the engine oil to move through all components prior to driving. While this can be beneficial, the vehicle only needs to run for approximately 30 or 40 seconds to accomplish all of the positives from running a car or truck prior to driving.
For gas powered automobiles, the brief warming period can actually be enhanced by gently driving the car or truck. By fluctuating the gas pedal and easing into a routine driving pattern, the car will warm more quickly both inside the cabin and underneath the hood. After approximately half a minute, the oil has cycled through an engine and a car will benefit most from fluctuating the fuel flow combustion as opposed to dry idling over a lengthy period of time.
By limiting the amount of idle time an individual can also control the amount of emissions released into the environment. Especially when considering there may be multiple consecutive mornings with need for a warm up, a car owner can limit their environmental footprint by understanding and utilizing only a brief warm up when necessary. One that requires only momentarily sitting in the automobile while warming takes place as opposed to cranking and then leaving a car or truck unattended to reach driveable conditions prior to departure.
The experts at Mancinelli’s Auto Repair Center can assist you in deciding the appropriate steps for your older or high mileage vehicle when in need of repair or provide a variety of potential other services needed on your vehicle. Their trained professionals will be happy to answer any and all questions regarding car care or perform a needed service to any model vehicle on the road. ASE certified mechanics are fully trained and certified to work on any car, van, SUV, or truck regardless of the current state. A full review and inspection of your automobile can be completed in a timely manner to keep your vehicle running both effectively and efficiently. Leave your auto with someone you know as most services can be administered the same day. Request an appointment online or call today.