On average each Denver family now owns approximately two vehicles that at some time will either require service or an auto repair. Having a knowledgeable, trained and tested individual to complete the work should be a priority for any vehicle owner. ASE, the a href="https://www.ase.com/" target="_blank">National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence has been providing repair workers quality testing and certification since 1972 in an effort to assist consumers in search of reliable automotive service.
Consumers too often find themselves at the mercy of a mechanic’s advice without proper justification that the individual is trained and or licensed. By offering a tangible certification process ASE can verify that the services being provided are completed by tested and trained professionals. Instead of relying on reputations for any service experience or trusting your vehicle to a complete stranger, the ASE allows individuals to rest easy when it comes to their automobile repair needs.
ASE trained individuals obtain certification through a process devoted to ensuring quality and performance. The regime required by the ASE includes more than just passing tests, actual in-area service must also be applied.
According to the official ASE website, “automotive technicians must have two years of on the job training or one year of on the job training and a two-year degree in automotive repair to qualify for certification.”
Only 66-percent of individuals successfully pass a test during their initial session. Further, those who do become ASE certified must renew their qualifications every five years in order to retain their certified status.
The continued advancement of automobile technology is changing daily as tests are continually being developed in order to ensure technicians are up-to-date on the latest details and manufacturer specifications. By requiring a retest every five years ASE can guarantee that certified individuals are continuing their education in the auto industry as it relates to their specific service area.
A wide variety of those certification areas can be obtained during the ASE process. Many technicians often acquire certification in multiple areas allowing service members to demonstrate expertise across the entire automobile spectrum. Over 40 tests have been designed for cars and light trucks, collision repair, school buses and auto parts.
In order to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of each test the ASE exams, “are written in workshops by a national panel of seasoned automotive industry professionals and executives, including working technicians, automobile manufacturers, aftermarket manufacturers, and educators. Not by any single person at ASE.”
Denver houses nearly 600,000 vehicles that require routine maintenance and service in addition to those collision damages that occur to often and need repair. Through the spring 2016 testing cycle only 213,094 automobile technicians were currently certified nationally.
Take advantage of a local ASE certified technician by allowing the experts at Mancinelli’s Auto Repair Center complete your vehicle needs today. Find the ASE certified logo on display and rest easy knowing that your automobile is in the hands of trained experts. Most services can be administered the same day so request an appointment online or call today.