Now, don’t be like the guy in Tennessee who tried to marry his car. As much as we love our automobiles, it’s not recommended that we take it to that level of attachment. Stick with something healthier, but it’s okay to love your car. I mean, who doesn’t? We have a long-standing love and appreciation for our cars; For our cars and all the cool ones out there that we will never own, because, well, no one has a garage large enough for ALL the cars we’d like to own.
While we may not be able to own all the cars we love or even marry one, there’s a lot of really cool car-related possible gifts we can give this holiday season that will make the car-lover in your life happy. And if you’re the car junky, then we give YOU permission to buy any of these for yourself.
Car speedometer cufflinks! Talk about adding some fun to an otherwise “normal” outfit… everything likes a little bit of something special.
LED interior underdash light kit: what a great way to bring some colorful light into your car enthusiast’s life.
A trip to the Monterey Car Week and the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in August. Denver can get pretty warm in August, so imagine a nice coastal getaway that includes one of the most prestigious car shows in the world. Not to mention it’s one of the most beautiful areas in the country. May cost a little more than the cufflinks, but it would certainly rank high on awesome memories!
If you can’t go that big (not many of us can!), then consider a auto emergency kit for the back of the car. Not as flashy or as fun, but still would a much-appreciated gift of love.
A little Top Gear is always a good choice for the auto enthusiast! Fast cars, high jumps, broken bones… what’s not to love! Fast paced and stunt filled non-stop fun.
An auto detail service! I love it when someone else makes my car look shiny and new and I’m sure that your auto-loving sweetheart will too. Click on the link to see the top auto detailing businesses in Denver according to Expertise.com.
Get your sweetie’s car an oil change! Mancinelli’s would love to help you get that done. You can even schedule the appointment online here: https://mancinellis.comappointments
When it’s time to show your car some love, schedule an appointment online, or visit us. Mancinelli’s Auto Repair Center is located at 375 Logan Street, Denver, CO 80203. In the meantime, here’s wishing everyone a spectacular Valentine’s Day!