Why do head gaskets fail? Many vehicle owners who have had their vehicles for years may wonder why they are suddenly experiencing head gasket failure. Head gasket failure can be worrisome because it means that coolant is more than likely leaking into the crankcase. If the coolant is leaking, it means that your vehicle's engine isn't being properly cooled and lubricated, which can quickly lead to engine overheating - something you definitely want to avoid!
Engine overheating can significantly hurt your engine. It can corrode engine components, cause metal to metal contact of components, and lead to damaged parts. This is why it is so important to have your head gasket repaired as soon as it is discovered as failing. Symptoms that can indicate that your head gasket may be failing include the following:
- Engine overheating
- Leaking underneath vehicle
- Engine misfiring
- Decreased fuel efficiency
- Loss of power
As soon as you notice any of these engine issues, we invite you into Mancinelli's Auto Repair Center for an engine inspection and diagnosis. Once we discover the cause of the issue, we can provide you with our recommendations on how to get your engine fixed and whether or not the head gasket needs to be replaced.
So the question remains, what causes the head gasket to fail in the first place? A blown head gasket can itself be cause by engine overheating. This can be caused by an issue with your vehicle's cooling system. When your engine overheats, the high temperature can cause the head gasket armor to collapse, which breaks the seal and starts to leak.
If there isn't engine overheating, the head gasket may have failed just due to faulty design and time. Some vehicles are prone to head gasket issues just due to an issue in manufacturing. It can also fail due to an installation problem, such as if it were taken apart and reinstalled incorrectly or fixed in the past.
These are just some of the ways in which a blown head gasket can happen, however if you do suspect that your vehicle has this right now, we recommend getting your vehicle into our shop as soon as possible to get the issue repaired. For engine repair in Denver CO, bring your vehicle into Mancinelli's Auto Repair Center today!