Posted on 1/31/2022

If you're going to drive around Denver, you have to be able to see where you're going! We've all experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see through the rain, snow, or dirty windshield. That is why having a good, functioning pair of windshield wipers is so important, especially this time of year. It always seems like your wiper blades go dull only when you need them most. Similar to any other vehicle system, your windshield wiper blades need regular attention to stay in good shape. Experts typically suggest replacing your windscreen wiper blade every six months; preferably in the spring and fall. If you're no fan of Denver's harsh winters, you may also consider getting winter weather-specific blades with freeze resisting properties. When it comes to the winter, you have to be careful about leaving your windshield wipers down. If your car sits for a long time and the temperatures drop significantly overnight, you may run t ... read more