Posted on 10/1/2018

With the fall and winter weather approaching, it's wise to prepare your vehicle for the changing weather. Responsible car owners should take particular measures to make sure that the battery is functioning correctly. If it's struggling now during the warmer weather, the chances are high that some problems could arise in the autumn and winter. If your battery is old, you're at a much higher risk of having some issues arise as the temperatures chill. It would be smart to replace the battery now to avoid hassles over the next few months. Since cold weather is hard on a battery, it's best to have the charging system and the battery inspected in advance. Your car's engine needs more battery power to start when the weather is colder, and those temperatures make it more difficult for your battery to operate optimally. Always be mindful of keeping the battery connections clean, corrosion-free, and tight. Unfortunately, batteries don't usually give warning signals when ... read more