Posted on 12/31/2015
Your resolutions to keep your car healthy in 2016 Most of us create New Year’s Resolutions around being healthy, but what about our car’s health? A simple maintenance regime, like measure your tire pressure, checking for leaks and visiting Mancinelli’s for your regular tune-ups can help keep your car healthy throughout the year.
Resolve to keep your car clean. Create a system of totes or bags in your car to make sure you remove anything that doesn’t belong in your car at the end of the day. An organizing tote in your trunk allows you to keep your emergency supplies, like jumper cables and blankets, in a neat manner. Hanging trash bags in the back seat makes it easy for the kids to put their trash directly in them and not on your floor.
Resolve to schedule regular maintenance checkups for your car. Your car might be running smoothly but let the ASE certified mechanics ... read more
Posted on 12/7/2015
Colorado has always been a great place to take a road trip, especially up to the snowy mountains during the winter months. There are a few essentials that are necessary to make your winter road trip safe and comfortable. 1.Emergency Kit. Your emergency kit should have jumper cables, a flashlight, gloves/boots, ice scraper and a basic survival kit. 2.Cell Phone. You would be surprised how many people don’t carry one while traveling. Make sure you keep a phone nearby in case of an emergency. 3.Spare Set of Keys. Losing a set of keys usually happens at the most inopportune moments. Don’t ruin your weekend with this disaster and keep an extra set handy. 4.GPS. A portable system can make sure you stay on course, even when your cell phone service is interrupted by the Rocky Mountains. Additionally, most show traffic reports so you can avoid the pile-up on I-70. 5.Food and water. Aside from the candy in your survival kit, stocking up with ample food and water make ... read more