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Denver Auto Repair Shop Highlights German Car Repair

Denver Auto Repair Shop Highlights German Car Repair

Despite knowing all vehicles require intermittent attention many owners neglect their regular routine service schedule unknowingly causing unnecessary harm to their car, truck, SUV, or van. Most car enthusiasts will not trust their vehicles to just any old repair shop when times call for routine maintenance or service. For owners who specifically search for a specific make or model of automobile when car shopping this often is the case as owners search for experts or specialized technicians to handle their automotive needs. Since the beginning of the automobile industry in the late 1860’s, Germany has been a leader in innovation, style and design. By 1901 the country was producing approximately 900 cars a year and today puts close to 10 million on the roads of the world annually. In a highly competitive industry the Germans have either led or been with the frontrunners for almo ... read more

Denver Auto Repair Shop and the Indicators of a Weak Battery

Denver Auto Repair Shop and the Indicators of a Weak Battery

Almost everyone has been subject to the following situation at one point or another. It’s getting late, possibly starting to rain, and all you want to do is get home for a relaxing evening after a tough day at work or school. You fall into the driver’s seat of your automobile, place the key in the ignition and when turning it nothing happens. Confused, you repeat the process and still, nothing. Frustrated you try again and again and again but nothing changes, your vehicle doesn’t start and you’re the victim of a dead car battery. If only you could've seen this scenario coming and taken action earlier. Had you known the battery was weak it could have been avoided and a replacement put in place prior to finding yourself stranded. While the battery, provided it’s not too far gone, can often be powered up through the process of jump starting - this requires another vehicle, jumper cables ... read more

Denver Auto Repair: Signs You Need A New Alternator

Denver Auto Repair: Signs You Need A New Alternator

It’s fairly simple to tell when you need a new tire or when it’s time to replace your brakes, but would you be able to spot an issue with your alternator? The alternator is responsible for keeping the car battery charged and powering the electrical system. Because the alternator plays such an important role, it’s important to bring your car into a Denver auto repair shop if you believe there’s a problem with it. Here are some of the signs that you may need a new alternator: Dim Lights As previously mentioned, the alternator provides power to the electrical system in your vehicle, including the lights. If an alternator is slowly starting to fail, the lights inside and outside of your vehicle may be dimmer than usual. This is especially noticeable on the headlights, which may begin to dim down or flicker. Other Electrical Issues In addition to dimmer lights, you may also ... read more

Tips for Wet Weather Driving from a Denver Auto Repair Shop

Tips for Wet Weather Driving from a Denver Auto Repair Shop

Driving in perfect weather can be dangerous enough but when mother nature isn’t so calm it can become increasingly more risky. Depending on the roadway, often wet weather is one of the more deadly causes for accidents occurring throughout the United States. Appropriate driving considerations should be taken into account to keep not only yourself but others traveling along the roadways safe One of the more obvious methods for minimizing the risk of an accident during wet weather is simply planning. If a trip can be avoided or postponed then waiting until the roadways are clear is the best method for reducing the inherent risk of driving in the rain. Watching weather patterns, planning ahead, and knowing if/when a storm is expected can be extremely beneficial Further, depending on the reasoning behind your trip or certain deadlines and appointments electing to pull over and wait for the weather to pass is ... read more

Denver Auto Repair Shop Highlights Important Safety Features

Denver Auto Repair Shop Highlights Important Safety Features

Every day it seems more and more automobiles are added to the highway. Traffic slows the daily commute, lengthens the summer road trip, and increasingly causes headaches when dealing with other motorists. Fortunately, car manufacturers have made necessary improvements to their products to protect individuals while driving in these congested arenas. A few of the newer features are becoming more common on cars and trucks while some are even being made mandatory very soon. Each of these safety features benefit the driver and passengers while protecting both the automobile and its’ occupants. Unfortunately, with the high numbers of vehicles on the road, accidents are going to occur. The auto industry is well aware of this fact and has been working to make their cars safer while adding other tidbits here and there that can make driving more bearable, especially in heavy traffic. AIRB ... read more

Auto Shop Denver Describes Available Vehicle Headlight Options

Auto Shop Denver Describes Available Vehicle Headlight Options

One of the most overlooked safety features on any automobile can be found placed squarely on the front of all cars, trucks, vans, and any vehicle. Headlights serve to keep motorists alert of their surroundings when night falls but can also make the vehicle more visible at other times as well. At Mancinelli’s Auto Shop in Denver safety is of the utmost importance. From changing a headlight to discussing the difference between various types of light, their experts are always ready and willing to help with any automobile need. After years of cars featuring similar, if not the same, type of incandescent lighting, recent technological innovations have increased both the efficiency and production of lighting. Changes were first noticed inside the family home but have since transitioned to the driveway and onto the vehicles parked there. Each of the following offers varying degrees of light produ ... read more

Denver Auto Repair: Engine and Cabin Air Filter Necessities

Denver Auto Repair: Engine and Cabin Air Filter Necessities

Filters provide a valuable service to your vehicle and although a relatively small part, their specific function is important to quality air circulation. Many motorists will change their residential air filters monthly and according to specific HVAC guidelines. In fact, some homeowners spend big bucks in order to maintain better air quality in their homes. Mancinelli’s, a Denver auto repair shop, wants you to provide the same care inside your vehicle. During a typical workweek many individuals will spend 10-plus hours inside their car, if not more. With the inclusion of weekends, almost an entire day of the week could possibly be spent inside your automobile. When you consider the amount of time spent behind the wheel or as a passenger, the quality of the air being circulated throughout the cabin becomes more important. CABIN AIR FILTER The ... read more

Denver Auto Repair Shop Offers Tire Rotation Benefits

Denver Auto Repair Shop Offers Tire Rotation Benefits

Replacing the tires on any automobile is one of the most expensive services required to ensure your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently. While many owners elect to wait until their four tires will not pass inspection in order to replace them, there are many steps one can take to ensure their tires last appropriate amounts. One of the most critical for regular car service and proper tread wear involves routine tire rotations. Regular tire rotation helps to extend the life of your tires. Most companies recommend tire rotations occur between 6,000 and 8,000 miles making the intervals similar to that of routine oil changes. For these reasons, rotation of the tires during oil changes and other regular services typically are performed simultaneously. While rotation of the tires u ... read more

Denver Car Repair Discusses Gasoline and Diesel Engines

Denver Car Repair Discusses Gasoline and Diesel Engines

The development of the automobile is an interesting tale that throughout time has translated from actual horse-drawn carriages to fictional horses under a hood. Every year it seems the technology is changing and vehicles come equipped with more horsepower powered by better fuel economy. Auto shops and car repair locations are continually educating themselves in order to keep up with the newest trends and mechanics of every make and model. New fuel options are becoming more readily accessible to car owners, including E-85 ethanol and even natural gas but two remain dominant in the industry. Both gasoline and diesel fuels have dominated the industry since the beginning and are likely to continue their stronghold despite efforts for decreased emissions and increased fuel economy. These two fuels have provided consistent service and ready availability throughout history as mother nature provided th ... read more

Denver Auto Center Tips: Top 3 Things Car Owners Forget to Check Before A Summer Road Trip

Denver Auto Center Tips: Top 3 Things Car Owners Forget to Check Before A Summer Road Trip

Summer is here and it’s a time where many people hit the road and travel throughout the beautiful state of Colorado. There are many things to do during the summer and practically all of them require a car, one of the integral parts of an adventurous summer. So before you pack the car full of camping gear and drive west, make sure you follow these tips from your Denver auto maintenance shop to keep your car moving for all your summer adventures. Motor Oil & Other Fluids Oil is a critical substance needed for a functional engine. It keeps your car motor from being damaged by keeping it cool and lubricated. Without oil, your car is sure to overheat in the hot summer weather and your motor could be damaged beyond repair. Before heading out for your next road trip, make sure your motor oil is clean and at the right level. If you’re not sure how to check your oil - take it to a local auto shop in D ... read more

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